What is your school name?
What is your school's address?
What is an email that we can reach you at?
How many students overall will be joining us (please include the number of students per grade if applicable)?
Please provide the number of students who identify as male
Please provide the number of students who identify as female
Please provide the number of students who identify as non-binary/gender diverse or another gender unlisted
What type of event would you like to request?
The pricing of each event is listed along with the minimum and maximum student capacity. Please note: This DOES NOT include transportation to the university which you will need to coordinate yourself. If your school requires consideration for financial assistance from Schulich, please fill out the applicable section below. All events will include some swag provided to each student from Schulich.
Schulich Tours on-campus event (2 hours), including presentation introducing engineering and the requirements needed to get into a university program, engineering student/staff-led tour of Schulich's makerspaces, teacher-led campus-wide scavenger hunt-themed tour (materials provided by Schulich), and a 15 minute break (with snacks provided by Schulich) in the engineering atrium - $10 per student, minimum 30 students, maximum 100 students. We ask that there is at least one teacher and parent volunteer for every 25 students joining us.
Schulich Half-Day on-campus event (3.5 hours), including presentation introducing engineering and the requirements needed to get into a university program, engineering student/staff-led tour of Schulich's makerspaces, and engineering Design challenge activity, along with a 15 minute snack break in between (with snacks provided by Schulich)- $15 per student, minimum 50 students, maximum 125 students. We ask that there is at least one teacher and parent volunteer for every 25 students joining us.
Schulich Day - Full-day on-campus event (up to 5.5 hours), including presentation introducing engineering and the requirements needed to get into a university, 40 minute Schulich tour, teacher-led campus scavenger hunt (materials provided by Schulich), and engineering design challenge activity. 15 minute break and 45 minute lunch is included in between activities, with snacks and Subway box meal provided by Schulich to all participating students and up to 10 adults- $30 per student, minimum 50 students, maximum 115 students. We ask that there is at least one teacher and one parent volunteer for every 25 students joining us.
Special Circumstances: To ensure appropriate accommodations and/or more accessible material is provided, please check the following boxes regarding any students within your class that may benefit from the following:
Advanced warning for transitions
Elevator and/or ramp access
Visual Captioning
Auditory descriptions
Visual explanations
Preferential seating
Extended breaks between sessions
Printed schedule of the day's events
Audio recordings
Access to a computer and/or tablet
Hearing aid - wireless microphone (please ensure your student provides this to the speaker when needed)
Designated break and/or quiet zone
Please explain any other specific accommodations that your students will require
Dietary restrictions
Please check all applicable student and teacher/parent dietary restrictions that you know of that will need to be taken into consideration for the snacks and/or lunch we may provide.
Please list any other dietary restrictions that was not listed
Please select the dates and timings that work for you
Please note - we have very limited availability to host schools. We will be selecting school using multiple criteria to ensure the most impact it given.
Schulich Tours - November 12: 9-11am
Schulich Tours - November 12: 12:30-2:30pm
Schulich Half-Day - November 13: 9am-12:30pm
Schulich Half-Day - May 7: 9am-12:30pm
Schulich Day - May 21: 9-2:30pm
Schulich Half-Day - June 4: 9am-12:30pm
Schulich Tours - June 18: 9-11am
Schulich Tours - June 18: 12:30-2:30pm
Schulich Day - June 25: 9-2:30
Are there other field trips that your students will be doing this year? If so, please list them below and describe their learning outcomes.
What type of technology do your students have access to at your school?
Examples of relevant technology to list: 3D printers, machine shop, makerspaces, soldering instruments, robotics – like Ozobots, SpherOs, Edison Robotics, Electronic kits like Makey Makeys, arduinos, microbits, etc.
Please explain the impact and relevant learning outcomes you believe that our on-campus events will specifically provide your students.
Is there anything else you'd like to mention for us to take into consideration?