So, you want a mentor?
Do you identify as a girl, non-binary, or Indigenous youth? Are you between 10-18 years old (typically grade 5-12+?) Are you interested in learning more about science, technology, engineering, arts, and math (STEAM) and the future career possibilities? Do you want to be matched with a mentor who can provide insights into what it’s like to be a woman, non-binary, or Indigenous STEAM professional?
Cybermentor will connect you with a woman, non-binary, and/or Indigenous STEAM professional who will act as a mentor to you from September-June. You will connect on Cybermentor’s secure online mentorship platform, Mentor Link. You are expected to connect with your mentor once a week. Through registering for the Cybermentor program, you will also receive information about awesome STEAM programming that may be of interest to you.
Before you register for the Cybermentor program, be sure to complete the quiz to determine what branch of STEAM for which you have a strong affinity.
Participants must provide proof of consent from their guardians to participate in the program. The mentorship platform (Mentor Link by PeopleGrove) is a safe, secure program run through the University of Calgary. All mentors are carefully screened- they must provide a Vulnerable Sector Police check, two references, and participate in an interview with the Coordinator.
For more information, email the Cybermentor Coordinator: