Youth Questionnaire Form

Please note: We require a parent’s permission prior to completing this form. They must read and consent to the below Data Collection Information.

Data Collection information: Cybermentor, in partnership with the Schulich School of Engineering at the University of Calgary, holds the right to use the data that you provide in this survey under the authority of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy (FOIP) Act. This data will solely be collected and used by the Schulich School of Engineering to contact you and for purposes pertaining to advancing our youth outreach, recruitment, and EDIA capabilities. No identifying information will be used.

This setup allows users to give their consent easily while also ensuring compliance with related privacy standards. Adjust the text and styles as needed to fit your website’s design.

If you have any technical questions or have trouble submitting, please email:

A Schulich community member will be in contact with you within 3 weeks of your submission.